Monday, March 31, 2008


Mold grows where there is moisture and where mold spores can cling to a moist surface. Dew forms outside when the temperature is at the "dew point". Moisture collects inside around places where water can come in. Sinks, windows, around appliances. Other then water damage a problem that can come about because of moisture is...mold.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ides of March.

In the Roman calendar, the term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other 8 months. Now a days the term is most famous for the death of Julius Ceaser. Caesar summoned the Senate to meet in the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March. A certain seer warned Caesar to be on his guard against a great peril on the day of the month of March which the Romans call the Ides; and when the day had come and Caesar was on his way to the senate-house, he greeted the seer with a jest and said: "The Ides of March has come," and the seer said to him softly: "Yes, the Ides of March has come, but it has not passed."

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Throwing stones onto a railway line - painting graffiti on a public building - breaking a park bench - leaving litter in the countryside - breaking glass in a bus shelter - setting fire to a school - Putting dish soap into a fountain - damaging a phone box - breaking street lighting - damaging seats on buses - throwing eggs at cars and homes.

All of these are signs of vandalism. Our assignment is to put these in order of what we think is the most harmful, or the most dangerous. And honestly, I don't think there is an order. If you vandalise something, your not only endangering yourself, but everyone els that comes across it. If you damage a phone box on the side of the road, what if someone needs help? There is no way for them to contact people in an emergency. If you set a fire to a school, your endangering hundreds of people's lives. Something as simple and throwing garbage out of your car is hurting the environment and in turn that hurts you. If you kill a bird from throwing trash out your window, how do you know there isn't someone who looks forward to that bird sitting on their bird feeder every morning while drinking a cup of coffee? In turn, karma is something that shouldn't be tried or messed with.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Young People.

I think what attracts us all to "destruction" is the thrill of it. The rush of adrenaline. I like to get in trouble because there is always that chance that your not going to get caught. and that in it's self is a thrill of excitment. If your good at what you do and your good at getting out of things, trouble is a whole new world. You can do pretty much anything and still get away with it. But then again, sometimes the opposite is the thrill of it. If you get caught...that can be fun all in it's own too.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Children Taking Over!

I hope that children never take over the world. I would be so afraid to even leave my house. It would be total and utter chaos. No laws that made sense, no anything. The only good thing about it is we might never have war. But then again, the way kids act, who knows. Everything would be messy and dirty. Talk about unhealthy living. We wouldn't have a government because us kids have no idea what goes on or what happens in the government. Every store would be a candy store, pizza shop and toy store. Adults would probably be used as slaves, which is a little scary to think about as well. The kids would treat the adults like they were the children, making them do chores and what not. I'm not exactly sure about the crime rate. If only kids ruled the world there probably wouldn't be any jobs, so I don'tknow if everything would be free...or if crime would go up. Drugs probably wouldn't be that big of a deal because there wouldn't be that big of a musical influence. I just really hope kids never take over the world.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dr. Dolittle?

If animals could talk, I would want to talk to any animal I could lay my hands on. I would totally talk to my kitty Finnigan. I think I have a pretty good idea what my puppy Sunny would say. She's not that hard to read. But my cat Finnigan, even though he's easy to read too, there are times when I really do wonder what he would say. I think it would be pretty cool to talk to wild cats too. Tigers. I would love to talk to a tiger. I'm not exactly sure what I would say, or what I would ask but I still think it would be cool. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it would be pretty cool to talk to an elephant too. Or a crocodile. I think it would just be way awesome in general. Any animal I could talk to, I would talk to.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Way Out.

What would life be like if we lived in outer space? I think we would have giant glass bubble houses. There would be oxygen in the bubble obviously. But it would also have a perfectly green lawn with nice flowers and big trees. We would all have huge houses and wouldn't have to pay for them!! Woohoo. We could have giant air tubes that suck you up and carry you to your job. No hover crafts, that would take up too much space. We would dress in all black like on the movie "MIB". The food we would eat would be like the food you see on "Star Trek." If you were in your house and you asked for it, it would appear. I'm not sure of the detail on that...but that wouldn't be my job. I wouldn't wanna work with space food. It's a little scary to think about. We could have pets like normal, but assuming there are aliens, we could also have little squid like things running around our yards as well. And the signs on our picket fences would read, "Beware of weird looking alien pet...they bite." The houses would be broken up into little neighborhoods where people would pretend they got along...and then gossip later. Alot like "Desperate Housewives" now that I think about it. Maybe their aliens too...hmmm. But if I were to live in outer space, this is how I would want it to be.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Summary: Bacteria are unicellular organisms. There are two main types of bacteria in the Monera kingdom. There are 3 types of shapes and 3 types of structure. There is 3 way of movement and 3 ways they reproduce.

The two major groups of bacteria are:
Archea Bacteria and Eubacteria.

There are 3 types of shapes:
Bacillus: Rod-Shape
Spirillum: Spiral shape

The three structures are:
Diplo: In pairs
Staphylo: Grape like bunches
Strepto: Long strands.

The way they move is also broken down into three parts.
Flagella. Whip like tails
Spirochete. Corkscrews
Taxis. Multiple flagella.

There are three different way that bacteria reproduce.
Binary Fission. asexual reproduction. Bacteria splits into two equal parts.
Cojugation. The bacteria mates through a mating tube.
Endospores. Hardend spores that are protected from the environment.

The Reason.

The best advice that I have ever been given would probably have to be, “Everything Happens For A Reason.” I believe in some way or another everything really does happen for a reason. The reason might be unclear at the time or we may never know what the reason is, but there is something that has to come from every situation. Good or bad, complicated or simple. It could be something as simple as tying your shoes. If you don't tie your shoes, you'll trip. The reason? Maybe its a lesson to remember to tie your shoes. I guess this advice could go along pretty well with the concept of karma too. What goes around comes around. And in turn there will be a reason for that too.