Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A New Power. LOF

I think that the quote from the book is really important. It looks like Ralph might have taken a little bit of Jacks authority. I don't exactly know how well that's going to work for the boys on the island. Ralph isn't as worried about being rescued as Jack. I don't think it's going to work well. But then again not alot of good things happened with Jack as leader too. I think that Jack feels a little out of place and maybe even embarresed because of this situation. Who know's what he'll do to earn his spot back as leader.



Monday, April 7, 2008

The Pursuit.

There have been many things that I want to achieve in life. The most important thing to me though, would have to be going to college and making a life for myself and my daughter. That's number one. I'm so happy for the changes that have come up in my life and will work as hard as I can to make my daughter happy. Give her the things that she needs and wants. My dream career would be becoming a psychiatrist. I just want to help people. And if helping them understand their problems can help them live a happier life, then that's what I want to do. It's going to take alot of hard work. I think another job that would be interesting would be a Psycho-annalist. I don't know if I could handle that line of work...but it would be interesting. Both require years of schooling and dedication. Something that I think I could pull off. I don't think anyone really understands how much work it is to achieve a dream. But if you have the heart and passion to accomplish it, you will. Some things to accomplish my dreams would be, hard work, patience, and probably self forgiveness. They say you are your worst critic. Not to mention when I'm actually doing my job. Honesty, loyalty and friendliness are other characteristics that are important. People have to trust you, and if you break their trust, then you aren't helping them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Alone time.

I think its important to have alone time. It's the time when you can clear your mind from everything that has been bringing you down or weighing down your thoughts. If your feeling down or sad I think being by yourself can help out alot. You could turn on some calming music. I think taking a nature walk by yourself can be soothing too. I think everyone should have at least an hour or more a week to spend just to themself. It isn't always the easiest thing to do, with work, school, kids and whatever els is going on...but I think it's important for your health to relax and not be stressed and being alone is a great way to do that.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Mold grows where there is moisture and where mold spores can cling to a moist surface. Dew forms outside when the temperature is at the "dew point". Moisture collects inside around places where water can come in. Sinks, windows, around appliances. Other then water damage a problem that can come about because of moisture is...mold.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ides of March.

In the Roman calendar, the term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other 8 months. Now a days the term is most famous for the death of Julius Ceaser. Caesar summoned the Senate to meet in the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March. A certain seer warned Caesar to be on his guard against a great peril on the day of the month of March which the Romans call the Ides; and when the day had come and Caesar was on his way to the senate-house, he greeted the seer with a jest and said: "The Ides of March has come," and the seer said to him softly: "Yes, the Ides of March has come, but it has not passed."

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Throwing stones onto a railway line - painting graffiti on a public building - breaking a park bench - leaving litter in the countryside - breaking glass in a bus shelter - setting fire to a school - Putting dish soap into a fountain - damaging a phone box - breaking street lighting - damaging seats on buses - throwing eggs at cars and homes.

All of these are signs of vandalism. Our assignment is to put these in order of what we think is the most harmful, or the most dangerous. And honestly, I don't think there is an order. If you vandalise something, your not only endangering yourself, but everyone els that comes across it. If you damage a phone box on the side of the road, what if someone needs help? There is no way for them to contact people in an emergency. If you set a fire to a school, your endangering hundreds of people's lives. Something as simple and throwing garbage out of your car is hurting the environment and in turn that hurts you. If you kill a bird from throwing trash out your window, how do you know there isn't someone who looks forward to that bird sitting on their bird feeder every morning while drinking a cup of coffee? In turn, karma is something that shouldn't be tried or messed with.