Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stem-Cell research.

When it comes to stem-cell research, I do not agree. It is morally wrong, and cruel. People argue that it can save millions. So why not kill a few to save many, right? Wrong. Even after all the testing and research, there are major problems that could happen or go wrong. If your body rejects the cells that are placed into your body, not only have you killed a potential life, but you are now also in danger for your life. There is no point of life where an embryo suddenly becomes more ‘human’ than before. An argument for testing said that they only use "spare" embryo's for testing. Spare embryo's? So now we have spare human's on the earth? Someone els said that there is no reason to care for the embryo before the fourteen day mark because it doesn't have its "primative streak". I believe that it doesn't matter. If it has the potential to become life, then why would you destroy it just to save someone trying to run from fate? It's wrong. Killing a form of life is wrong. There was an argument that over half of the cells that are formed into an embryo don't survive, but wouldn't you feel bad if it was your embryo they used, and it could have formed into a beautiful child? When the testing of the embryo is complete, and they say that it has no more use to them, they send an electrical current through the cell to kill whatever is remaining. That doesn't sound scientific, it sounds cruel.


erosephillips said...

I enjoyed reading your response. This is a challenging topic. The intensity of your feelings is clear in your writing. Although I have different perspective about stem cell research, I too find the part where researchers "send an electrical current through the cell to kill it" disturbing.

erosephillips said...

One more thought. I found an article in last week's Sunday New York Times about the big a demand for genetic counselors. I think you will find it interesting:

A Field That Interprets the Language of Genes