Monday, December 10, 2007

My Dream Christmas.

If I could have just one Christmas go my way, the way I planned and wanted it to go, it would be not just the best Christmas ever, but the best day all around. I would have the whole family there, all my relatives from California, Oregon and everywhere els that we're all spread out to. There wold be no arguing, and everyone would grow up and apologize. We'd have a big, big dinner. Stories would be passed back and forth non-stop. We'd all be laughing, and remebering old times. Talk about the times to come and all the good things that have happened inbetween the years we all haven't talked. We'd take a drive around the city to see all the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations that people put out in their yards. When we got home from that, I'd have it snow, and snow hard. That way we'd all be snowed in, and it would make it an even better night, we'd stay up all night and just talk or do whatever it takes to pass the time. And everyone would get annoyed by me saying how much I hate the snow, and how cold it's going to be outside in the morning. But what they wouldn't know is that's exactly how I would want it. We'd watch all our favorite movies, and complain that we've all seen them too many times, say every line word for word and laugh. I know it would never happen, but if I could have a perfect christmas, that would be it.

1 comment:

Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

For grading purposes: Nice job. I appreciate your diligence and posting work that has been proofed for errors! 5/5