Tuesday, October 16, 2007

About me.

In life, academics are so important. Literature is especially important. If you can't read, or write, you can't get anywhere in life. Reading classics, like Romeo and Juliet, or To kill a mocking bird is a big part of teen reading in schools these days. I love to read, and anything with hidden meanings or anything that makes you think, is something that I love to read. Wisdom. Something that very few people have, or develop in their lives. Wisdom is power. The art of learning without discrimination of any subject, topic or idea. The power to lift ones mind to a new level and never be superficial about it.
Ignorance, is something that ALL people have, and are born with, but it's a will within us to over ride it, and seek out true education and knowledge. To become something above the influence of ignorance, and grow into adult hood with a good picture on things, to learn not to hate, or discriminate.

Family is a big part of anyones family, especially in a teenagers life. My mom is my family. Plain and simple. She's always there for me, and though times get hard, it doesn't matter, we're a team and when together, we make a great debate team. You develop things from you ancestors all the time. Your personality, looks, and how you deal with things can be derived from your parents, and ancestors. Your ancestors have a big build up on how your family works, and all your traditions. Tradition could be another big part of your family. Certain things you do at holidays, you never know. They could have been tradition to your family hundreds of years before you!

The dream to become a professional. The foresight to see what you could, and want to be. to look ahead at what your good at, what you want to do in life to make a life for yourself. I have the dream of becoming a lawyer and then later on in life to become a judge. To work with the law, to help the people that need it. Law school is something that just seems like fun. So much hard work, so much time to take to learn. The law is so complicated, and I love working with a challenge, and research.

Life is full of hard times. but if we have the power to keep our minds open and dream about the future and things we wish to accomplish...it makes things a lot easier. Without goals, life would be a blank page. But it's up to us to fill the page with knowledge, and accomplishments.

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