Monday, October 22, 2007

My Favorite Band.

My favorite band would have to be "A Day to Remember".
My favorite song of theirs?...Wow that's a hard one. I would have to say I have three. "Casablanca Sucked Anyway", "The Plot To Bomb The Panhandle", and "1958". Their music is so deep, and insightful. No matter what mood your in, or how you feel...their music is just there to make you feel better, to calm you, or just to make you feel happy. They have amazing guitar and amazing drums. Not to mention the vocalist and the bassist, and yes the band is truly that good. Every part of the band just fits so well together, and they have such good chemistry on stage. The way they interact with each other is a great reason to go to their concerts even if you don't know their music. They just know how to have fun and know how to get the crowd going and to have a really good time. I would deffinatly recomend them to anyone. No matter what kind of music you listen to, country, rock, jazz, whatever it may be, they will have something that you will enjoy!

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