Friday, November 30, 2007


What does it mean to be broad-minded? I think the answer would be to take things as they come, and always listen to other's opinion's even if they aren't what you agree with or believe. You want to learn new things, and don't jump to conclusions or rush into things without thinking it through. Being broad-minded, you would want to look at all the aspects of a situation, good or bad. You would probably be warm hearted or laid back. A good listener and patient. I think that when it comes to me being broad-minded, I have the traits such as a good listener and not being judgmental to other's opinions, I also like to plan things out really well before I do things. (Most of the time.) I try to help people as much as I can, and analyze the situation as much as possible.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Fence And The Economy.

The issue of what building this fence would do to the economy is a good question. And it brings up good points on both sides. The yes and the no. I would have to agree though with the yes side. The point of how much the fence would cost, there are many different prices and many different arguments. But the price that is on the bill, the bill that was passed and approved, was only $1.8 billion to $2 billion. That doesn't mean the prince can't change, but I really don't see this fence costing $7 billion to $8 billion. I also believe that this will help when it comes to having to pay for beds in the jail system and plane costs to fly them back to Mexico. Also it would cut down on the cost it takes to hire people to patrol the border. We also have to think of the consequences of how much money immigrants are costing to be here illegally. There will be so much mone saved by keeping out the immigrants. The taxes will go down from not having to support so much welfare and medical.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Immigration and Morality.

Immigration is a right and a privilege. Saying that it is immoral to keep people out who are taking our money and our health benefits from people that were born here and have come to America legally is wrong. For us to control who comes into our country and uses our rights, is the best thing we can do for ourselves. People who were relating this fence to the Berlin wall, are on a whole different page. The Berlin wall was made to keep people in their country for a life of debt, depression and death. This fence is keeping out crime! If you come to the country illegally, the last time I checked, thats against the law. When other's say that the wall is "racist",they must not understand the concept of what the fence is for, or what it will do. The fence is made to keep out drugs, and other things that are illegal. It's not about the people, or because they are Mexican. We don't need anymore crime in our country then we already have. That and people who come here illegally can still qualify for medical, welfare, and other benefits that many american families have trouble getting. There is also an argument that the only fair and easy way for immigration to the US is through illegal immigration. No one ever said that coming to the United States was easy. Or that it was fast and or quick. It takes time, that's what makes you a citizen. And that's something you can be proud of.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Creationism vs evolution in schools

In schools they should teach the kids to use their own opinion and logic to decide what it is they believe in. So with that said, I think that they should teach both subjects. That way, when both discussions are done, the children can choose the opinion that they believe and respect. If we force schools to teach evolution, it's like we are trying to take away the belief of creationism. That also brings up the topic of, if it's acceptable to teach other parts of the religion. I think it would be appropriate to teach other sections of the Bible or religion if it's in a seperate class. We had a class like this at my old school, and it was popular and was run quite well. I also think that religion and other opinions shouldn't be shoved down someone's throat. If they do not wish to listen, or hear it, that is their choice. But an alternative assignment should be given.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Genetic Screening.

I think that Genetic Screening for health is a good idea. If we have the technology to find out how healthy our baby is going to be, why not do it. But I think that the embryo should only be aborted if they are seriously ill and would most likely not make it through the woman's pregnancy, or die after birth. I think that if you discover that your child is going to be born with down-syndrome or another mental retardation, that it is wrong to abort the embryo. The child can still live a healthy life with proper medical care and attention. When the female body drops an egg every month the body determines whether it is healthy or not anyway, and when the egg is fertilized, it will choose if it is healthy enough to implant and grow. If you can screen the embryo before the baby starts to form, and just "double check" the bodies work, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I believe when people say that genetic screening is trying to produce a higher race, it's ridiculous. People are trying to determine whether or not their baby is going to grow up healthy, and not miserable.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Corporal punishment. (Children)

I believe Corporal Punishment is acceptable. This has it's limits. I think it should only be used when all other forms of disipline have not been affective. I also believe that a parent and another teacher should be present, or at least the parent should be notified before the action. This greatly reduces the chance of sexual abuse. There is a difference between hitting your child, and hurting them. It should be a swat to teach a lesson, not to hurt and damage their self esteem. If the child does NOT understand and continues to disrupt, or be rude and violent to the teacher or other students, I think that then and only then is it appropriate. I also believe that the teacher who had the problem should not be the one who punishes the child. Anger, to even the best of people is a weakness. Children can get hurt if someone is irresponsible and in the wrong. That is why it is so important that there are other witnesses or the childs parents to be presesnt. "He who spareth his rod hateth his son, but he who loveth him is chasteneth him betimes." (King Solomon, in the Book of Proverbs [13:24].

Friday, November 9, 2007


When I feel truly myself is when I am on stage, at a choir concert. I love being on stage. There is just a certain adrenaline rush that you get, and it makes you feel so good about yourself. Even if you mess up, it doesn't matter, because your choir has you coverd. They are there to help you find your note, to get back. And if you have a solo, it's so much fun to be able to express yourself through the music that you are singing. You can have so much fun with what your singing too. Every song that has ever been written was about an important or significant time in someone's life, and if you can sing it, and take that passion to heart, then it will sound amazing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


If I was taking a road trip, I think I would go to Seattle. I love the city, and the Space Needle is always a fun trip to go too. So is Pike Place Market. With all the wonderful food all over the place, it's the perfect place for a road trip vacation.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Great America.

My favorite place that I have ever been to was Great America in California. I went with all my cousins, aunts and uncles. We all had so much fun. There are 13 roller coasters and we must have gone on all of them at least twice! We were there from open to close. My favorite ride there would have to be, "Top Gun." I will never forget that day because it was the first time I had ever gone on a roller coaster. My family tricked me into going saying that it was a water park, little did I know, it's a the only roller coaster theme park with a water park inside of it. On the first coaster we went on, an all wooden one called, "The Demon" I broke one of my ribs. We went to the first aid place there and they said that it wasn't uncommon to get a few broken ribs in a day. I got all bandaged up, and we kept going. Ever since that day, that first coaster, I was addicted. Anytime we go to California now, we have to go either to Six Flags or Great America. They say that Disney Land is the happiest place on earth, yeah, right. It's Great America.

Monday, November 5, 2007


If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Antarctica. Sounds a little crazy doesn't it? I just think it would be an amazing opportunity to see all the wild life. It's so peaceful there and I would love to go with a group of people who know the territory. I would love to see the snow caves and hike the glaciers, to take samples and see what lives and grows there. You can learn so much, and have a great time. Of course I would want to be equipped with the right gear and clothing, but...I think it would be a great time.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bonnie Wright.

If I had to choose an actress to re-enact my life, I would choose Bonnie Wright. She can be funny, or dramatic. She's probably most famous for playing Ginny Weasley on "Harry Potter". The movie of my life wouldn't be one that many people would want to watch. I've been through alot of things that most people can't imagine. I think that Bonnie would do a great job at acting the part though.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


My favorite animated movie growing up was, "The Little Mermaid". I love the music and the story about a young girl trying to prove herself just adds to how great the movie is. It's a movie filled with fun and drama, and how she finds her true love, Prince Eric, is so cute. Nothing, not even her being half fishy, can come between their love. Her friendship with Flounder, Scuttle, and Seabastian is adorable too. True courage and bravery from a fish, a seagul and a hermit crab.