Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Fence And The Economy.

The issue of what building this fence would do to the economy is a good question. And it brings up good points on both sides. The yes and the no. I would have to agree though with the yes side. The point of how much the fence would cost, there are many different prices and many different arguments. But the price that is on the bill, the bill that was passed and approved, was only $1.8 billion to $2 billion. That doesn't mean the prince can't change, but I really don't see this fence costing $7 billion to $8 billion. I also believe that this will help when it comes to having to pay for beds in the jail system and plane costs to fly them back to Mexico. Also it would cut down on the cost it takes to hire people to patrol the border. We also have to think of the consequences of how much money immigrants are costing to be here illegally. There will be so much mone saved by keeping out the immigrants. The taxes will go down from not having to support so much welfare and medical.

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