Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Respect. Responsibility. Reality.

Respect. In the class room respect should look like everyone working together. To listen when people want to be listened to or when other's are talking. To help someone who needs help with projects, work or whatever it may be. If someone's having a hard day, do what you can to help. Give people the space that they deserve. Don't talk about other's behind their backs or rude to them.

Responsibility. Responsibility is picking up after yourself. Doing work when asked, and getting it done. If your not going to be here or your going to be late, you should try and contact your teacher to let them know. Taking the blame for things that you do that are wrong, or not stealing credit from others. Try and help out as much as you can and wear a smile, its contagious.

Reality. When respect and responsibility is ignored, you should be held accountable. I think this is a good way to get the point across that in life, you can't just get away with everything you do. Sometimes their are issues or things way bigger then you, that you have to face or deal with.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cells Part II

Prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells because they do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. Instead of having chromosomal DNA, their genetic information is in a circular loop called a plasmid. Prokaryotic cells are also a bacteria cell, while eukaryotic cells are more complex. Plant cells.
The three major differences between plant cells and animal cells are:
A)Plant cells have cell walls instead of cell membrane to protect the cell.
B)Plant cells have chlorophyll. The pigment that makes the plant or leaves green.
C)Plant cells have a big vacuole in the middle of the cell. 90% of the cell is made of the vacuole.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


When it comes to advertisement, there is way too much. But what exactly are we going to do about it? Protest people trying to make a living and make money? If commercials and ads in the newspaper are that annoying or bother you that much, turn it off...skip the ads. If we got rid of all ads, what would our economy look like? It would suffer terribly. You spend money so others make money. And the same then returns to you. When people make the point that it leads to people buying things that they don't need and are just wasting money, then why are you buying it? If it's a waste of money, and you don't need it then don't complain that your in debt because the commercials are just so darn convincing. That doesn't make any sense at all. Commercials also show us new products on the market that can be very helpful. When new ads come out for faster safer computers, that can help small businesses greatly. The only point that I would make about the advertisement's these days is that there is way to much sexual content or "nudity" on TV. There are some things that you can't just turn off. They play commercials like this during shows that are on the Disney channel, and on channels that are showing educational shows for kids. I understand that sex appeal draws people in. But at least keep it away from the kids.

Friday, January 4, 2008


The idea of home-makers getting paid is a little ridiculous. If you decide to build a family then you should also look at the financial aspect of it. If you can't afford for one member of the marriage to stay home, or to pay for child and daycare then maybe a family isn't the best option for you right now. If you can start a family, I don't think you should get paid to stay home and take care of your own child. You brought the child into the world and I think it's your responsibility to take care of and nurture your child. And what ever happened to parents working from home to bring income in as well? Being a home-maker is hard work, but it's something that you choose to do. Entering a marriage is all about commitment to whatever comes about. Having a baby is a hard task and there is a lot to do around the home. But it's your duty as a mother and a wife or husband to take that in stride and do what you have to do and take care of the child.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

White Christmas.

I don't think there is anything wrong with getting your hopes up for a white Christmas. Yes when it starts to melt it can cause ice, and dangerous conditions, but it can cause that at anytime of the year. Not just on christmas. If your a small child I think a white christmas is a really beautiful thing. You get to expeirence something that may only happen once in life.