Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Respect. Responsibility. Reality.

Respect. In the class room respect should look like everyone working together. To listen when people want to be listened to or when other's are talking. To help someone who needs help with projects, work or whatever it may be. If someone's having a hard day, do what you can to help. Give people the space that they deserve. Don't talk about other's behind their backs or rude to them.

Responsibility. Responsibility is picking up after yourself. Doing work when asked, and getting it done. If your not going to be here or your going to be late, you should try and contact your teacher to let them know. Taking the blame for things that you do that are wrong, or not stealing credit from others. Try and help out as much as you can and wear a smile, its contagious.

Reality. When respect and responsibility is ignored, you should be held accountable. I think this is a good way to get the point across that in life, you can't just get away with everything you do. Sometimes their are issues or things way bigger then you, that you have to face or deal with.

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