Friday, January 4, 2008


The idea of home-makers getting paid is a little ridiculous. If you decide to build a family then you should also look at the financial aspect of it. If you can't afford for one member of the marriage to stay home, or to pay for child and daycare then maybe a family isn't the best option for you right now. If you can start a family, I don't think you should get paid to stay home and take care of your own child. You brought the child into the world and I think it's your responsibility to take care of and nurture your child. And what ever happened to parents working from home to bring income in as well? Being a home-maker is hard work, but it's something that you choose to do. Entering a marriage is all about commitment to whatever comes about. Having a baby is a hard task and there is a lot to do around the home. But it's your duty as a mother and a wife or husband to take that in stride and do what you have to do and take care of the child.

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