Friday, February 29, 2008


Rights of passage that I've gone through to me are cute. Like, potty trianing, going from the bottle to the sippy cup. From the sippy cup to glasses and mugs. When I got my ears peirced I felt like a big kid. I felt like I could handle responsibility now. And then a couple years later when I got my ears peirced the second time I felt even better. Or when you first take your training wheels off of your bike. The passage I am looking forward to most now is turning 18. I can get my peircings on my own, without parental consent. I will be able to vote!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Protist are organisms that live in the water or soil. If their parasitic, they can even live in human body or an animal. They are classified into three categories. Animal-like. Plant-like. And Fungi-like. The Animal-like category is a section that actually hunts down other protists to feed. The Plant-like protist's are autotrophs. Meaning they feed from the energy of the sun. The Fungi-like protist's are decomposers. They feed on other dead protists or plant like material.
There are three different ways that protists move. Flagella, a whip like tail. Celia, little hairs surrounding the protist, and Pseudopod, which means "one foot." They use their whole bodies to move along.


I don’t believe that the US is imperialistic. We may be based in other countries, but I do not believe that we have the intrest to take the country over and make it our own. The US maybe the wealthiest country but we are also in recession. We aren’t in other countries to take their money, or to take over their country to have their wealth. We are there to establish trade. We are also in other countries to help. If there was a situation of another world war, I would rather have countries on our side that we've helped then go in it alone. I do not believe that at this time we are imperialistic, but I could see if the country got put into the wrong hands it becoming that way very easily.

Monday, February 25, 2008

When I die.

When I die I want to be remembered as someone who smiled and laughed even if it killed me. I want to be remembered for the good things that I've done, not things that set me back. Before I die I hope to accomplish alot of things. I hope to go to college even if it's a community college. I hope to give my baby girl a good life, and leave her with memories that are happy, not sad or wrong. I would like to travel. It doesn't have to be far, but I would like to see more of the world. At my funeral or memorial I would hope that people wouldn't be crying and sad. I would want people to at least remember things that were good. Not be sad that I'm gone, but be happy with the memories and fun that we all shared.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Censorship of the arts.

I agree with censorship laws. But like with anything it has it's flaws as well. I do not think that you have the right to speak free if you are talking about drugs, sex or abuse. If you are going to write a song about how much you hate a certain race and how you want to kill them all, would you want your children to hear that? Everytime you turn on the tv there's ads about sex. But if there was no censoring what do you think you would see when you turned your tv on? I would be a little afraid. I wouldn't want my kids to see a world where anything goes. There's already songs and movies about rape and murder, it doesn't need to get any worse then it already is. People that say that the censor laws are too strict arn't looking at the big picture. People get angry because they want to watch their favorite movie on tv and they cut half the movie out. That's only half of what the censorship is trying to do. If it really bothers you that bad then maybe you shouldn't watch tv, or listen to your radio. Or know that maybe they censor things for your own good.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Parental Consent.

Abortion without parental consent is dangerous. Anything can go wrong after or during an abortion. So without a parent knowing, what would happen if their child was injured or at the maximum died? You need consent to do millions of things under the age of 18. Why make something that is a surgery anything different? If your under age you need permission to get tattoo's, piercing, and school field trips. But you don't need one to have a medical procedure done. That makes no sense. I don't really think it involves that the parents know what their child is doing. It's that they know that their child is safe. That if something does go wrong, you at least know why. I also think that it's important for the parent's to be involved so that the young girl can have someone to talk to. Someone to help her through the emotional side of things. Having an abortion isn't what people make it out to be. You may be taking away from the hurt of raising a child so young, but what about the emotions that run with that? The percentage of teenage sex might go down, the chance of finding out about sexual abuse such as rape might go up. I think that parental consent should most defiantly be a law.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Special Brownies?

The subject to legalize marijuana is a little silly to me. I don't agree with it at all. It's illegal for a reason. If you are driving or working with machinery after you've been could hurt yourself and others very seriously. Marijuana is also known as a gateway drug. It can lead to experimenting with other drugs, drugs that are alot worse or alot more harmful. I do agree that if it is given medically that it is ok. Even then the drug is abused though. And if it becomes legal, what would happen to the crime rate? People have been known to become violent or steal so that they can get the money they need to buy the marijuana.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What I Really Love...

What I really love is laughing. There is nothing more enjoyable then laughing and goofing off with your friends. When you laugh it feels like nothing els matters, because for just that one second your having fun. Laughing is one of the best ways to meet people and get to know them. If you have a good sense of humor then your going to naturaly get along with people. I'm not sure if it's true, but I've heard that if you laugh at least three times everyday, it will add five years on to your life. I could totally see and understand that. Laughing gives you something to look forward to. If you can have a good laugh morning, noon and before bed...I think you've had a pretty good day. I think that if you canlaugh at least once a day it's been a good day. It's a cure all I think. At least I like to believe so.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


If I had the choice to choose the traits that my kids would grow up with like good looks, great personality, athletic or things like that...I would turn it down in a heartbeat. I wouldn't agree with that situation at all. I would want my kid to grow up like I did. I would want to be proud of what my children accomplish and know that I had something to do with their progress and their achievements. If they were athletic I would hope that they learned that from watching me or their father. If they were good looking...well I mean what's responsible for that but good looking parents. haha. If they are responsible and respectful I hope I could look at that and say I taught them that, I taught them how to act in public and have manners. I don't think that going in and trying to change someone's genes would do anything but screw them up even more.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Little Kids!!

The best part of working with the kids at Mickinley was seeing how good they really were with their idea's. They were really creative and you could tell that they took time to plan and figure things out. That's alot of hard work coming from third graders. They were excited and ready to work and learn. The most difficult part was probably when some of the kids didn't get along. There were some arguments and it took some time to bring them back to what they needed to do. When they did get back and ready to begin, they were focused. It was kind of stressful at times but always alot of fun. I think they benefited from us being their because they got to work with "older" kids. They learned a bunch of new things and had some fun doing it. Not to mention their going to be able to see the work that they completed on DVD!

Little Kids!!

The best part of working with the kids at Mickinley was seeing how good they really were with their idea's. They were really creative and you could tell that they took time to plan and figure things out. That's alot of hard work coming from third graders. They were excited and ready to work and learn. The most difficult part was probably when some of the kids didn't get along. There were some arguments and it took some time to bring them back to what they needed to do. When they did get back and ready to begin, they were focused. It was kind of stressful at times but always alot of fun. I think they benefited from us being their because they got to work with "older" kids. They learned a bunch of new things and had some fun doing it. Not to mention their going to be able to see the work that they completed on DVD!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What I hate.

The thing I hate the most is when people put words in my mouth. And then assume that the words that they put in my mouth are correct. When people assume things, it makes a "back end" out of you and me. Most of the time the things that you assume are wrong, and can be really hurtful to people. When words are put into your mouth by another person, again, most of the things that they say are completely wrong and hurtful. If you assume what their going to say and put words in someone's mouth tempers flair and things that you really don't mean could be said. I guess another part on top of both situations is lying and rumor starting. Their all kind of tied in together because when you assume things, the first thing you have to do is tell someone the news that you've just "heard" right? When in reality you didn't hear anything. You created the story. Now everyone is lying and making up a story that can make someone's life alot harder then it needs to be.

Monday, February 4, 2008


If two identical twins were separated at birth, one going to a rich family and the other to a poor family I think the difference in the twins would be severe. The twin that went with the rich family would probably have a totally different out look on life then the poor twin. The richer twin probably wouldn't know what it was like to have to forge for food and wouldn't know how or what it was like to work hard and earn little. So personality wise I believe that the twin brought up in a poor family would have a better grasp on what it's like to value and respect things. The richer twin would only know that if something goes wrong or breaks, that he can always buy or get a new one. Appearance wise I think the rich kid would be fat. Well maybe not fat but he would never have to worry about a meal. The poor twin would probably be scrawny. Either that or the poor twin would be more muscular seeing as though he would have to work hard to get what he wants and needs.

Friday, February 1, 2008


An object of value to me would have to be my Teddy Bear. I got him the day after I was born and have slept with him every night since. I used to take him everywhere with me when I was little and he shows a little wear and tear from it. I love my Teddy! As a little girl I didn't have a security blanket, I had my teddy. So anytime I got scared I had him with me. I used to hate thunder and lighting storms, and I remember hiding under the blankets holding my bear because somewhere in my head I thought he could make the icky storm stop. I love my Teddy Bear!

The relationship I have with me mom is one of the most important things to me. We do everything together and have fun doing it. We've been through so much and have fought through every challenge that we have ever been faced with. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have her support or her love to guide me and help me through. We have a bunch more time to spend together and I look forward to ever minute of it. Most kids can't wait to move away from their mom's when they turn 18, but I don't. She's not only my mom, she's my best friend.

The value of life to me is extremely important. So the idea of abortion to me is the most horrible thing you can do. Life is the most valued thing ever. To be able to learn, love, laugh and have fun. Could you imagine if your parents decided to not keep you, and had you killed before you could even take your first breath? Say your first words and walk for the first time? Through thick and thin you still have life, so don't throw it away before it can ever begin.