Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Protist are organisms that live in the water or soil. If their parasitic, they can even live in human body or an animal. They are classified into three categories. Animal-like. Plant-like. And Fungi-like. The Animal-like category is a section that actually hunts down other protists to feed. The Plant-like protist's are autotrophs. Meaning they feed from the energy of the sun. The Fungi-like protist's are decomposers. They feed on other dead protists or plant like material.
There are three different ways that protists move. Flagella, a whip like tail. Celia, little hairs surrounding the protist, and Pseudopod, which means "one foot." They use their whole bodies to move along.


Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

Missing a couple of things: Benefits, Problems, and pictures to accompany your fine work. You can get most of this info from a simple online search.

Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

I was looking over this again and noted no change. See previous comment by me. :)